Woodpeckers Control Removal Service


Loud Woodpeckers will wake you up in the early morning, and leave permanent damage to your home.

Damage to wooden buildings may take one of several forms. Holes may be drilled into wood siding, eaves, window frames, and trim boards. Woodpeckers prefer cedar and redwood siding, but will damage pine, fir, cypress, and others when the choices are limited. Natural or stained wood surfaces are preferred over painted wood, and newer houses in an area are often primary targets. Particularly vulnerable to damage are rustic-appearing, channeled (grooved to simulate reverse board and batten) plywoods with cedar or redwood veneers. Imperfections (core gaps) in the intercore plywood layers exposed by the vertical grooves may harbor insects. The woodpeckers often break out these core gaps, leaving characteristic narrow horizontal damage patterns in their search for insects.
I have Woodpeckers! Get rid of them!  

About Woodpeckers

Woodpeckers belong to the order Piciformes and the family Picidae, which also includes flickers and sapsuckers. Twenty-one species inhabit the United States. Woodpeckers have short legs with two sharp-clawed, backward-pointed toes and stiff tail feathers, which serve as a supportive prop. These physical traits enable them to cling easily to the trunks and branches of trees, wood siding, or utility poles while pecking. They have stout, sharply pointed beaks for pecking into wood and a specially developed long tongue that can be extended a considerable distance. The tongue is used to dislodge larvae or ants from their burrows in wood or bark.

Woodpeckers are 7 to 15 inches (18 to 38 cm) in length, and usually have brightly contrasting coloration. Most males have some red on the head, and many species have black and white marks. Identification of species by their markings is quite easy. In most species, flight is usually undulating, with wings folded against the body after each burst of flaps.

Because they are dependent on trees for shelter and food, woodpeckers are found mostly in or on the edge of wooded areas. They nest in cavities chiseled into tree trunks, branches, or structures, or use natural or preexisting cavities. Many species nest in human-made structures, and have thus extended their habitat to include wooden fence posts, utility poles, and buildings. Because of this, woodpeckers may be found in localities where trees are scarce in the immediate vicinity.


ENTRY & DAMAGE: More then likely, if you have woodpeckers pecking on your house, they are either looking for insects or pecking a hole to build a nest. They can damage the siding on your home and once they build a nest, they will return to the same location every year, each time creating new holes.

REMOVAL: We have found the most efficient way to deter Woodpeckers is to install bird streamers. These streamers are very light weight so the least bit if air causes them to move. They also easily catch sunlight and frighten most birds from pecking where they are placed.

PREVENTION: The best prevention is to keep your wood siding strong, well painted and free of insects.

I have Woodpeckers! Get rid of them!  

Call Crocodile Dave to get rid of the Woodpeckers! (770) 931 – 4397

CONTACT US (770) 931-4397

4213 Fellowship Rd, Suite E

Tucker, GA 30084